Author: Shaun Doyle


Hello, everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the Kick Off Night. I’d like to send a special thank you to the guys at Jays From the Couch for a great night!

Here are some ‘news’ items for you:



Get ready for the CVGSL Spring Tournament! It’s the most fun you can have on a ball field.


🥎June 15th at Bissett Field

🥎 Bring a Buddy: Players will be drafted with their buddies, even if they don’t already play in the CVGSL!

🥎 Format: 7-inning games or 1.5-hour time limit

🥎TOURNEY TEAM REPS NEEDED: We are looking for a few team reps to step up, draft, and run a team.

🥎 Need expression of interest sent to team reps by June 11!


Please make arrangements with Scott to pay your team dues for this season. If you have already done so, THANK YOU!


Please note that the first weekend of playoffs has been moved to the weekend AFTER Labour Day.



We’re collecting names for our Golf Tournament! We’ll need to submit numbers very soon. Here are the details:

⛳️ August 9 & 10

⛳️Sherwood Golf Club

⛳️ OPTION 1: Golf only, Aug 9. $102.35 pp. Includes one round of golf and shared power cart

⛳️ OPTION 2: Stay & Play, Aug 9 & 10. $305.90 pp. Includes TWO rounds of golf (one per day), shared power cart, ONE night stay.

⛳️ Extra night available at $106.35

⛳️ All prices include taxes and housekeeping fees.

⛳️ Pre-payment will be required as availability is limited.

⛳️ Email Al @ by June 15 to reserve your spot!

That’s all for now, folks!



Some info to share with your teams:

– I have attached the minutes from our last meeting. 

– MEMBER COMMUNICATION– Let all players know that they can register on the CVGSL site and they will get all info directly to their inbox. This way, more members can get information than just the team reps, which was something that was asked for. I will be posting this whole email on the site, so they won’t get this one, but they will get all future information.

– AUCTION– Jays From the Couch is hosting the auction this year. It’ll be Friday, May 31. As per previous years: – Auction will be held at the Parish Hall at St John XXIII, Colby subdivision….same place as last year
– Entry fee is $25 per person
– Pizza and refreshments provided
– 50/50 and raffle items will be available
– each team provides $1000 worth of merchandise for the auction. Teams should have already begun collecting items. 
– all auction items should be dropped off by 20 May. Location to follow.

– we will be raffling off a full pass to the league golf tournament ($306 value) and there will be an expression of interest sheet at the door when you arrive.

*We will be beginning our community building efforts by collecting non-perishable food items and/or cash at the door during the auction. All donations will go to the Cole Harbour Community Fridge. We will collect donations at all league events and will be setting up an account at Karen’s Recycling to bring the cans that get left at the field. We will work out an efficient system for doing this, so stay tuned!

– NEW PLAYERS– The League executive is collecting names of interested players and will be in touch shortly about the “try outs”.

– SCHEDULE– The amazing Jason Brown has whipped up our schedule after some tinkering. As you know Bissett isn’t available to us right away. But, I am pleased to say we have a schedule that DOES include the Spring Tournament! Jason has begun loading the schedule onto the site now, but everyone should be able to see when their first games are.

– EQUIPMENT– Teams can pick up balls and a scorebook from me. We also have 2 new pitching nets and new bases for Bissett when we get the green light there. 

I think that’s about it for now. If there are any questions, or I am missing anything, feel free to reach out. We’ve still got some work to do with the Kick Off, but the season is getting closer!