Host Team: Coors Light
Date is to be determined. The team is to contact the church through their website and see best time.
Year End:
Host Team: Oregans
Date and venue to be determined
Team Dues has been lowered from $1200 a year to $1000. We had a great auction, and have the ability to lower it at least this year to see if it works better.
We are in need of both a treasuer, and at least one vice president
Equipment: I will check our lock boxes at the field to see how they have held up. We will be getting new bases for both fields. The nets are going to be looked at as well. I will pick up the softballs and books for each team and give them out.
New players: We need a count from all teams of how many players they need. I have signs to put up when we get some slightly better weather if anyone wants one.
Tournament dates: We have to figure out our scheduling for both the spring tournament, and the year end. We will probably have to find field other than bisset since that is planned to be closed for repairs toward fall tournament time
Sponsorship: Due this year-
Centurion Mechanical
IG Wealth Management
Coors Light
NAB Automotive
Last Year of Sponsorship:
North Brewing
Nova Coast
Uniforms: Eligible for new uniforms-
Centurion Mechanical
IG Wealth Management
Coors Light
NAB Automotive
G W Paving Limited deferred getting new uniforms in 2022. They ale able to get them
Maritime Masonry also deferred and is elegible. (they don’t actually have any)
Rule Changes: We discussed getting rid of the helmet rule but it was voted that we keep it.
We also discussed using just one ump instead of two. That was also voted down.
A new award was voted on. An annual award for the most sportsmanlike player in the league. That vote passed and it was decided that we would name the award after Abie.
Next meeting will be scheduled for early April. The date will be posted on the website soon.
All team reps are advised to start getting at their players about auction items.